I had so much interest in this post and recipe I thought it would be a good idea to do a blog post. My kids really enjoyed these gummies. They both experience deeper, more restful sleep after the first night. When they took them on consecutive nights, they were able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep for a great night’s sleep. I’d say that’s definitely success!
This recipe came to be as I was pitting my sour cherries from a bumper crop this year. I like to dry the cherries to use in baking. As I was pitting them I was left with a lot of juice. After I got tired of drinking it — so good! — I had to come up with another way to use all the juice. I wouldn’t want to waste such a wonderful treat. Now most people would make jam or jelly, but we don’t eat a lot of that in our household. Instead I decided to make something to help with the upcoming transition to back to school: Sleepytime gummies.
The first batch was great, the kids and I loved the tart and sweet combination, but I didn’t measure anything, so there was no recipe. I had to try again. This time I used store bought black cherry juice. The results were sweeter even though I used less honey. Next time I may add a couple tablespoons of lime juice to get that yummy tart flavour back, at least until I pit some more sour cherries and save that juice.
Cherry Sleepytime gummies
2 cups cherry juice (+ 2-3 Tbsp lime juice optional)
4 tbsp grass-fed gelatin
1/4 tsp coloured sea salt
3 tbsp magnesium glycinate powder (magnesium citrate powder would work as well)
1/4 cup raw local honey
Pour cherry juice into a medium saucepan. Sprinkle grass-fed gelatin on top and allow to “bloom.” You do not want to add gelatin to warm or hot liquids, this will create lumps. Once the gelatin is mostly absorbed by the cherry juice, whisk it together and place over medium heat. You will need to stir this frequently while it is heating to avoid burning the juice. Continue to stir over heat until it reaches a low boil. This took about 30 minutes for me. Stir constantly while it boils for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat. Whisk in sea salt and magnesium powder. Allow to cool to a warm temperature before stirring in raw honey to avoid killing off beneficial enzymes in the honey. Pour into a 8 x12” baking pan or candy molds, cover and refrigerate overnight or until set. Cut into squares and serve before bed.
The lighter square gummie is from my first batch. I used a few fun molds for the dark cherry juice batch. What a difference in colour!
Let’s look at the ingredients:
Wondering why I used all the ingredients I did? Let’s dive into the science behind these wonderfully nutritious gummies.
Cherries contain natural melatonin, which plays a vital role in sleep and bodily regeneration. You body should natural produce melatonin, but external factors can reduce the amount produced, leaving you having a difficult time drifting off to sleep. Melatonin is a great antioxidant, helps reduce inflammation and can improve your quality of sleep as well.
Honey is a great source of energy which can help balance insulin levels overnight. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels can cause waking during the night. Honey is a tryptophan rich food; it triggers the release of serotonin and melatonin to help you have a better deeper sleep. Honey also contains some magnesium.
Raw, local honey is best to preserve all the nutrients and beneficial enzymes. Store bought honey will have up to 60% less nutrients.
Sea salt helps to relax the parasympathetic system, your flight or fight system. It relaxes your stress response and can result in less waking through the night. Salt also helps regulate serotonin and melatonin. This can help you wake up happier and more relaxed.
Coloured sea salt or himalayan salt is used because it contains trace minerals and nutrients that regular table salt has been leached of.
Magnesium is an essential mineral that is used in many vital bodily processes. It is also known as the relaxation mineral. Magnesium is great at relaxing the mind and the body. It reduces the incidence of muscle cramps, soreness and restless-leg syndrome. Magnesium helps the body produce healthy levels of GABA, a neurotransmitter that helps promote deep restful sleep.
I used a high quality magnesium glycinate powder, but magnesium citrate powder would also work.
grass-fed Gelatin
Gelatin is basically the cooked version of collagen, the most common protein found in animal tissue. Gelatin is made up of some unique amino acids: glycine, alanine, and proline. These amino acids in gelatin can help improve the quality of your sleep, including less waking and deeper sleep. Other benefits of gelatin include improved joint health, reduced anxiety, reduced inflammation, improved digestion and gut health.
To optimize your health benefits, you need to use gelatin from grass-fed animals. I like the quality of Great Lakes brand.
There you go. All the ingredients needed to create a great night’s sleep!
Vegan option:
Each evening, an hour or more before bed, drink 1/4 cup of tart cherry juice with one dose of magnesium powder mixed in it; and/or mix together raw, organic honey (2 teaspoons) with sea salt (1/4 teaspoon) and eat up. Sweet dreams!
I hope you have enjoyed this post. Please let me know if this recipe has helped your sleep in the comments!
Wishing you all sweet dreams and restful sleep!
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified healthcare provider.
Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2019