What is Organotherapy?

Organ therapy. It is just as it sounds, therapeutic remedies, nutrition and supplements designed to strengthen, repair and improve function of your organs, glands and other body systems.

Traditionally Organotherapy refers to using only specific homeopathic remedies that have an affinity to particular organs, glands and systems. I have expanded my Organotherapy practise to also include the use of supplements, gemmotherapy remedies and Traditional Chinese Medicine based foods to improve the function of glands, organs and systems.

Organotherapy prepares the body for healing. Healing can be hard work. Your body is design to continuously heal and renew itself. However lifestyle, stress, illness, toxins and/or medications can contribute to the degeneration of body systems and organs, thus the body's ability to self repair is inhibited. As we age, are exposed to toxins, illnesses and stressors, our body simply gets worn out.

Each of your organs and glands have very important jobs to do to keep your body functioning properly. When one area is compromised or sluggish, it affects the whole body. If the organs have been compromised it can be a long road to health treating without proper support. Organotherapy remedies strengthen the body so that the healing process is smoother, easier with minimal aggravations or setbacks.

How does it work?

Organotherapy stimulates the organs or systems, provides nutrients and information to allow the body to renew, cleanse and repair each area. Different approaches may be used depending on the area affected and the health of the person. Certain homeopathic remedies have strong affinities to certain organs, glands or systems; these can be used therapeutically to strengthen each particular area. Some organs and glands demand high amounts of particular nutrients or vitamins to function optimally. By using nutrient rich supplements and short term mega doses of nutrients we can strengthen and support those organs or glands. Therapeutic foods, supplements, gemmotherapy remedies and herbs may also be used depending on the needs of the person.

Organotherapy can be used in conjunction with other remedies to support the whole body healing process. For example, when someone comes to see me with hormone imbalance I'll often recommend a remedy for liver support and/or possibly thyroid support. By supporting these key areas, the body is able to focus more energy on balancing all the part of the endocrine (hormone) system.

Why use Organotherapy?

  • To help decrease the need for medication. It can be use in conjunction with allopathic medications. The goal is to strengthen the area so that medication can be decreased by your prescribing physician.

  • To heal past injuries or illness that have affected that organ, gland or system. In taking a complete client history I'll often see a repeating pattern of illness in a certain area or the person will say they've never felt well since a certain event or illness. This tells me which area of the body is weak and in need of extra support. In addressing this area first we can speed up the person's healing journey and increase their health faster.

  • Great for the beginning of a complex case. Sometimes organotherapy is used to begin a complex case to strengthen weak areas of the body before deeper healing can take place. If the person is too weak and we try to shift their balance without supporting them first, they can aggravate, or their symptoms will get worse. This is the body's way of saying it is not ready or able to do the healing work necessary, it needs more support first. If all the body's energy is focused on strictly maintaining life, organotherapy can help strengthen the body to increase function and energy levels.

  • To restart or boost the healing process. Organotherapy can also be used in the middle of treatment, when diet and remedies have stalled or are no longer as effective. This indicates a blockage or area of weakness that needs to be addressed before the person can continue on their healing journey As one organ or part heals the rest of the body must be balanced as well, no organ functions in isolation, the body must be supported and balanced as a whole.

  • Allows the body to heal gently. Organotherapy is supportive therapy, it builds the body up and improves function. Organotherapy is general maintenance for your body. When you plan a long trip in your car, don’t you check and repair it beforehand to ensure a safe trip? Why would you do that for your car and not for your body? Dr Joe Rozencwajg, NMD

The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.

Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2017