Are you struggling to keep your head above the water? Caught on the hamster wheel of life, just going in circles? Juggling so many balls in the air, just waiting for them to fall? Tired, in pain, anxious or depressed, just trying to make it through another day? Not truly living, just surviving? You are destined for more than this. You know that, but how do you get un-stuck?
Health is not just the absence of illness, disease or pain. Health is the full expression of life, complete mental, emotional and social well being. In homeopathy we define true health as the harmony of mind, body and spirit. When the person is truly healthy, they are free to express themselves creatively, intellectually and spiritually to fulfill their higher purpose, to share their gifts with the world.
When a person is healthy they are able to handle everyday stressors or minor illnesses easily. The body and mind respond promptly and appropriately to the problem and bounce back returning to normal health. The person can no longer return to health if the stress is prolonged or the illness too strong, and the body goes into a protective mode and adapts to this new pattern of "normal." It does not allow for true health, but has stopped the progression so that no other harm is done; it is "stuck." This is a helpful adaptive response for short term illnesses or stress, but can progress into further illness each time, never fully rebounding into true health. This becomes dis-ease.
There are so many factors that contribute to being stuck in survival mode.
- stress, over scheduling, hectic lifestyles
- demands of family and jobs
- student stresses
- nutritional deficiencies
- Standard American Diet (SAD), poor food choices
- medication side effects
- hormonal imbalances
- organ weakness
- mental or physical illness or disease
So what can you do? We can't all leave our stressful lives and go on a spiritual journey (although I often wonder what would happen to our world if we did).
- First of all check out my blog on Self Care in Chaos, and Resources for quick tips to help you manage right now.
- Breathe. Again see my blog on Self care in Chaos. :)
- Eat better, try to add some fruits and veggies into every meal and snack. Studies show that eating more fruits and veggies not only helps you feel better physically, it improves mental health too! Place bowls of fresh fruits and garden fresh veggies in highly visible areas in your home and workplace.
- Ask for and accept help when needed. It may be difficult at first, but helping someone else can actually make that person feel better. So by asking for help you may be helping that person too.
- Check your medications. Ask your pharmacist or Natural Health Practitioner to review the side effects of your medications. Even common painkillers can make you numb, physically and emotionally. Lisa can check your medications or illness to see if they may cause nutritional deficiencies and work to correct them. The need for certain medications may decrease during the course of homeopathic and nutritional treatment as your body heals.
- Realize that some days just getting by is enough. Be gentle with yourself. Celebrate the small things, even the really small things. Practice Gratitude.
- When you are ready to break the cycle, seek specialized help. Lisa is a Registered Nutritionist and Homeopath, as such she can assess your nutritional deficiencies, strengthen any effected organs, balance hormones, and provide suggestions for lifestyle modification.
“Action may not bring happiness,
but there is no happiness without action.”
When I began my homeopathic journey, it not only helped me with my physical problems, it also helped me rediscover myself. I embraced the things I loved. I began to paint again. I was able to dance fully and openly with my troupe, and feel more comfortable in front of an audience. I changed my direction of study, and found my calling. I was able to share my gifts and talents with the world, no longer held back by crippling self doubt. I was finally in tune with body, heart and soul. My journey is on going, and I am still working on deeper healing to improve myself.
I have to confess, I felt rather stuck myself while writing this piece. I found it didn't flow the way I wanted it to, I had trouble adding everything I want to say. So my apologies if this doesn't read very well. I think that's partially the point. Everyone get stuck sometimes.
Much love,
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.
Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2016