Well if you just eat right.... Don't eat less, just eat right.... Change your diet, you'll feel better... Have you tried the ____ diet? It's amazing. Well if you just eat_____ and _____ you'll feel better. Eat for your blood type. Eat no carbs, lots of fats. Eat only raw food. Eat only cooked food. Eat no sugar. Eat lots of meat. Eat no meat.
There is so much information out there about food, how do you wade through it all and find the truth? Which is the best diet?
Well that's just the problem right there. There is no "Right" diet. What works wonderfully for one person may make another really sick. Everyone is different, and each body has different needs. We have different metabolisms, different digestion that processes foods differently, and different daily requirements of nutrients.
So what should you eat?
More vegetables. No really, unless you are eating 7 servings of veggies every single day, you should eat more vegetables!
Stop eating junk. There is junk and there is food, there is no junk food- it's just junk.
Cut back on the carbs. In North America we tend to eat WAY too many breads, cereals, and processed, refined grains. 1-3 servings a day are good for most adults, 7-10 servings is ridiculous!
Try to eat foods as close to their natural state as possible, minimally processed. Some foods have nutrients that are better absorbed when cooked, like tomatoes, and others are better absorbed when raw, like most fruits. Local foods are some of the best foods.
Add more healthy fats. Fish, nuts, seeds, cold pressed plant oils, butter, avocados, eggs, and fats from organically raised animals are all great sources of Healthy fats. Avoid highly processed, refined oils like soy, margarine, non organic canola and corn oils (often GMO), as well as fried foods, and high fat bakery products.
The other food I think most people would benefit from adding into their diet is seeds. Raw, unsalted seeds like sunflower, chia, hempseed, pumpkin seed, sesame and flaxseed. These tiny foods are powerhouses of minerals, healthy fats and fibre. They support the immune system, the heart, brain, improve the appearance of skin, and are a great source of energy.
This is probably one of the best guides you could follow. Include some full fat dairy- not fat free.
This is a great general guide, for a healthy adult.
Some exceptions:
People with IBS, any digestive issues, and any disease with inflammation may have issues digesting fats, and will need modifications to accommodate this until the gut is healed. Nuts seeds and other fibrous foods may be difficult to digest, soaking them first may help. Malabsorption of nutrients is also a concern for these people and supplementation may be advised.
People with digestive issues or slower metabolism may feel better when they eat the majority of their food cooked. People with high metabolisms may feel better with a mainly raw diet.
People with chronic inflammation or disease will benefit from an anti-inflammatory diet, including finding the specific foods that they react to. Adding fresh ginger and turmeric into the diet are great anti-inflammatory foods to start with.
Athletes, small children and those with a very high metabolism will need a higher amount of carbohydrates than most people. Stick to whole grain healthier choices when choosing carbohydrate rich foods.
People with hormonal dysfunction such as thyroid disorders will need to avoid certain foods like raw cruciferous vegetables.
If you become ill, you should avoid all processed sugars and limit natural sugars, with the exception of raw local honey.
People with chronic disease should always follow a diet tailored to their specific needs
Almost any kind of illness begins in the gut, so looking at bacteria overgrowth, parasites and Candida are all part of the work up I provide for new clients as well as dietary recommendations tailored to their specific needs.
I literally spent hours trying to find a food pyramid that I could promote. This one was the closest I could find.
The main thing I don't agree with on this pyramid is the fat free dairy. Dairy should be FULL fat, not low fat or fat free.
*Edit to add, Canada’s new 2019 food guide is much better than it was previously, but I prefer the way this one breaks it down.
Homeopathy's Role
The great thing about homeopathic medicine is that it works well even if your diet is right. Homeopathy can help heal leaky gut, reduce inflammation, lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, improve neurological function, improve digestion, reduce indigestion, aid detoxification and improve the immune system. We can accomplish all these things with diet, but you can see results much faster when you add homeopathy.
You Are What You Eat
Why is it so important to Eat Right? Well, to be frank, your life depends on it. The whole purpose of eating food is to nourish your body, provide fuel for everyday activities and nutrients for your body to rebuild itself. This is the purpose of your food. If you don't like the way your body feels, the first thing you should do is change what you eat.
Food should also be enjoyed. It is a sensory process of flavours, aromas, textures, and colours. No matter what you are eating, savour it, enjoy it, be grateful for it, that nourishes your body too.
When you are ready to revise your diet, I’m here for you. Contact Lisa or call Market Mall Family Chiropractic Clinic to make an appointment 306-955-5900
The information provided here is for educational purposes only. For treatment please seek a qualified health care provider.
Copyright Lisa Paul The Natural Path 2016
Updated Jan 2019